Our Founders
National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Incorporated
Professional Organization of Educators in Pursuit of Excellence
Incorporated May 23, 1923
The National Sorority of Phi Delta
Kappa, Inc., emerged from a
dream of Gladys Merritt Ross, a
neophyte teacher from Jersey
City, New Jersey to establish a
sorority to promote sisterhood
among teachers and to uphold the
highest ideals of the teaching pro-
In April of 1923, Miss Ross
invited several of her intimate
friends to her home to share her
dream and to explore its ramifi-
cations. They embraced the idea,
organized, and the sorority was
officially incorporated on May 23,
All lived to become prominent
educators who left distinguished
contributions to the teaching pro-
fession and to humanity.

Our Goal
The purpose of our Sorority is:
​​​To stimulate professional growth among educators;
​To foster a true spirit of sisterhood;
To promote the highest ideals of the teaching profession;
To encourage the development of the potential of our youth.